Stanton made an astute observation regarding assumptions of female inferiority "The worst feature of these assumptions is that women themselves believe them".Stanton 'Matriachate' op.cit.
There is in fact no actual Islamic belief in female inferiority.
By the age of fourteen, she had completely rejected the idea of female inferiority and the religious texts that supported that idea.
The hypothesis received support not from empirical evidence, but rather from "armchair dogma" about innate female inferiority.
As a result, while factory life would soon come to be experienced as oppressive, it enabled these women to challenge the myths of female inferiority and dependence.
Stanton once observed regarding assumptions of female inferiority, "The worst feature of these assumptions is that women themselves believe them".
In some cases leading to a view of male superiority and female inferiority.
When female officers failed to maintain command over their subordinates, male officers blamed female inferiority.
Interestingly, while Lee rebelled against the notion of female inferiority, both she and Elderton were convinced of the importance of women's role as wives and mothers.
To further these claims of female inferiority and silence the feminists of the time, other anthropologists joined in on the studies of the female skull.