What, after all, to make of a seminar that urges writers to deepen their characterizations by learning more about the eight female archetypes?
Ms. Amos has been riffling through female archetypes for a decade.
Except for Jessica who, as a newly minted adult with a fragmented attention span, brings a new flavor to female archetypes.
It hints at a marked development in Kapoor's work, allied to that towards gigantism: namely that from female archetype to male.
Adopts the "shy" female archetype in Original Generation.
Carries the "hot-blooded" female archetype in Original Generation.
Well, in the old days the female archetype was the central religious figure.
She is a beloved female archetype among contemporary Chicanas, who write poems, short stories, and academic research articles about her.
Jung believed that our attitudes toward our actual mothers and fathers are because they embody certain male and female archetypes.
Mr. Schleef's screaming women are one attempt to restore power to the female archetype.