She is wife to fellow singer and composer Farid Rastagar.
Dee married Marcell Siahaan, a fellow singer; together they have a son.
Suggested by fellow singer and good friend Eason Chan, it was decided that the concert would be named after the number 6 for several reasons.
She had a short first marriage to fellow singer, Terry Dene, but married three times more.
The duo joined friend and fellow Panamaian singer Jr.
This change of style is most likely be attributed to her traumatic marriage with fellow singer, Sos Mat.
Bobby Short, whom he does know, arrived with Charlie Cochran, a fellow singer and piano player.
She immediately followed fellow singer Elissa and was followed back by her.
By May 2007, her blog was receiving 250 visitors a day, including opera administrators, critics and fellow singers.
Wijewardena spent more of his composing time for his fellow singers and he had never been offered the credit for them.