Icahn is playing to his fellow shareholders, and is probably more interested in replacing the people he's writing to than gaining their cooperation.
Unlike a partner, a shareholder in a professional corporation usually cannot be held liable for the negligence and malpractice of fellow shareholders.
His fellow shareholders hardly seemed convinced, though some said they were happy he was there.
"It puts the board in a conundrum: if they are not up front with Uncle, how will they be with fellow shareholders?"
The filing included a phone number for fellow shareholders to call for more information.
What if you fall out with your partner or fellow shareholders?
GE Capital disclosed its stake indirectly, referring to "our fellow shareholders" in the letter.
Mr. Galloway says his main appeal to fellow shareholders is purely financial.
I sued, along with my fellow dissident shareholder, Richard Lessler.
"You, our fellow shareholders, ought to ask: 'How long must we wait?' "