The early reviews from church members, politicians and fellow pastors have been good.
When paramedics arrived, they could find no sign of life in Piper and covered him with a tarp as a fellow pastor prayed over him while waiting for the medical examiner to arrive.
The sight of Elmer as a fellow pastor was too much for Frank.
He opposed the revivalistic measures taken by fellow Presbyterian pastors such Gilbert Tennent.
The minister went on the road over the summer, screening the movie for fellow pastors to generate word of mouth.
Speaking to fellow pastors on Monday at the Baptists' annual convention in St. Louis, Mr. Vines said pluralism wrongly equated all religions.
Bauman also wrote countless letters, mostly to missionaries encouraging their work and to fellow pastors concerning both personal regards and issues within the Brethren Church.
Despite Gestapo surveillance, hundreds of people and around two hundred fellow pastors attended Pastor Schneider's funeral, including many members of the Confessing Church.
Following the ejection of Richard Baxter along with 2,000 or so of his fellow pastors in 1662, these Nonconforming ministers were persecuted ruthlessly by the authorities.
Kostenberger, Andreas J. "CBMW executive director challenges fellow pastors".