The owner of the Baltimore Orioles, Angelos has defied baseball officials and fellow owners by refusing to field a replacement team.
Modell, who will soon sell his majority share of the Ravens, witnessed the game from his private box and was beaten by a fellow geriatric owner, Bud Adams.
The lawsuits and efforts to rally fellow owners failed.
Even as Angelos draws the line, he still reaches out with understanding to fellow owners.
Johnson and fellow owners raided the senior circuit and signed away many star players, including Cy Young and Jimmy Collins.
Can the board do this, and if so, is there any other way we can reach out to fellow owners, particularly the ones who are renting out their apartments?
George Steinbrenner has taken on managers and coaches, superstars and scrubs, league officials and fellow owners.
Baldwin, who cautioned fellow owners about the consequences of a lockout in September, is among those favoring a quick solution.
I love this mentor idea and would love the camaraderie of fellow 'owners'.
And that decision was to ask fellow owners for implementation of a salary cap.