The article suggests that Summers shielded his fellow economist from disciplinary action by the University.
Kelly has garnered praise from fellow economists for his prediction of the collapse of the property market.
And, not surprisingly, some of his most outspoken supporters are fellow economists.
Mr. Galbraith's new book, like so many of his old ones, pokes at fellow economists and what he sees as their erroneous but convenient beliefs.
Not surprisingly, Mr. Sachs' high-profile ways have brought both admiration and carping from fellow economists.
I also found him disarmingly generous in giving credit to the biologists, physicists, and fellow economists who have helped advance his own thinking.
"The biggest downside of my current job is that I have to wear a suit to work," he told fellow economists in a speech last January.
The way the Pomona professors reached their conclusion, however, has generated a lot of interest among fellow economists.
Even now, Mr. Shiller's fellow economists are in no rush to take his advice.
As a fellow economist, she too was converted by the data in the study, which tracked crime rates in every county in America for 18 years.