The man was a big fellow, dressed flamboyantly in a loud sport-coat.
Siuan had been peering at the darting man ahead, a large, dark-haired fellow, dressed well but plainly in somber browns.
The fellow - good-looking, tall, slim, casually dressed - was sitting in the rear of the 79th Street crosstown bus, reading his newspaper.
He was a stumpy-looking little fellow, dressed in a homespun tunic and with muddy, baglike shoes on his feet.
Still, when they saw some rough-looking fellows dressed like sailors approach, playing with the handles of their knives, the agents thought well to ask no more questions.
Hugo Cornworthy was a good-looking young fellow, very correctly dressed.
"In company with a mean sort of a fellow, dressed in black?"
At his right sat a huge fellow dressed in the uniform of a German Hauptmann.
Mike and I saw other fellows dressed like this.
The two young fellows, dressed in working suits of overall stuff, spent long hours in the cab of the electric locomotive.