Then he was called to treat a fellow doctor after a mugging.
In the article, he urged fellow doctors to make "attending to the ordinary, the obvious and the present" part of their practice.
Nothing happened, though, and in the afternoon the 'on-call' has passed onto a fellow doctor.
It is a single camera, no-laugh-track comedy that follows a medical resident and his fellow doctors.
He was simply a fellow doctor who had given up hope and didn't know what to do now that hope had been restored.
Lawyers for patients have a harder time finding experts who will testify against fellow doctors.
And his voice is so direct that at times it borders on painful (at least from the perspective of a fellow doctor).
What did surprise him was how quickly the nurses and his fellow doctors came to appreciate the digital age.
Just a fellow doctor looking for a little cooperation.
Maya Scott and her fellow female doctors, few though they were, would have made a big difference to the wounded.