Consider it in this light, fellow Guardians: they are Technic people.
Therefore, fellow Guardians of the Principle Council, I submit to you that there is only one thing that we can do at this point.
Yondu traveled to the present alongside his fellow Guardians, and assisted the Avengers against Korvac.
Keru felt one blast singe his shoulder, and then heard a cry from one of his fellow Guardians behind him.
The robot said, "My fellow Guardians will search the mansion.
Starhawk later traveled to the 1970s alongside his fellow Guardians, and assisted the Avengers in battle against Korvac.
Olympian would later join Superman and many fellow Guardians on Easter Island.
They just knew that a fellow Guardian was in need.
And, even more significant than the ignorance of her fellow Guardians, was that of Erykon.
"Well at least, my dear fellow Guardian, you don't have to haul a bloody great sword around while you're rattling offyour bit," Ellis said.