This version was a human with feline features and heightened strength.
Blade had a fleeting impression of feline features, and then the creature slammed into him, bowling him over.
She was graced with feline features, wonderful legs and exceptional vitality.
It was just the sort of thing she renders witty in her collection by adding feline features to the crown.
Kitty was known for her "wide-eyed feline features which captivated the artist", becoming his frequent model during the early years of their relationship.
Prrghh smiled back at him with her vaguely feline features.
These include blue fur, feline facial features, pointed ears, fangs, and claws.
Beast later uncovers what seems to be a female mutant with feline features, like his situation.
This man fascinated me, the more so because of his nearly feline features and general aloofness.
In addition to feline features, the species was redesigned to look more like humans so audiences could relate to them better.