PEARS and cheese are among the more felicitous culinary combinations.
A red pepper sauce adds a nice sweet contrast to this felicitous combination.
A salad pairing confit of chicken with sun-dried cherries is a felicitous combination.
Another time I mixed them, sauce and all, with stir-fried sugar snap peas, for an especially felicitous combination.
Another felicitous combination is ripe apricots and a nectarous sweet wine.
That felicitous combination was supposed to be impossible.
But there is also a felicitous combination of sun, soil and wine making skill that sets Italy apart.
The author successfully shows that the early modern parliamentary system was something more than the result of a felicitous combination of checks and balances.
On hands and knees, if you please, and with the most felicitous combination of speed and delicacy of movement.
It had not been a felicitous combination.