Musicaloud wrote:"A debut replete with feel-good songs, but devoid of much innovativeness".
"I was like, 'This isn't a feel-good song, because I'm writing about something I'm going through right now, and it's still painful,'" she continued.
A lightweight, feel-good song that struck a chord, this tune epitomized the sound popular with teens of the early 1960s.
It's a feel-good song about mortality, which, in the trio's hands, is not quite as oxymoronic as it sounds.
It was a feel-good song as we like to write feelgood music.
But it's not exactly a feel-good song.
Sgt Maddocks said: "They're feel-good songs that you'd associate with the guys in the army".
It's kind of a feel-good song.
It was just a feel-good song, a piece of ephemera, and Lucy was feeling surprisingly good.
It was co-written by the group as a "feel-good" song with meaning which their listeners could relate to without the song sounding cheesy.