It is sometimes embarrassing to read; the ordinary reader feels voyeuristic, at times almost uninvited, but very moved.
If the previous encounters had felt somewhat voyeuristic, this one was particularly so.
Each successive segment creates increased anxiety, making the viewer feel uncomfortably voyeuristic.
The experience felt voyeuristic, like an invasion of this man's privacy.
I'm not a photographer who follows the trail of disasters, so I found a way to make work that wouldn't feel voyeuristic or exploitative, through meeting people.
I felt creepy and voyeuristic knowing that his life was about to change irretrievably.
He felt more shamefully voyeuristic than if she knew he had been watching Babylon Blue that morning.
I felt voyeuristic, inside some male citadel and bound to prove that I belonged.
Suffice it to say that Brownrigg does indeed let us watch, but it never feels voyeuristic.