He sat down again, feeling unaccountably that the whole room was slipping left and falling too.
He shook his head, feeling unaccountably as if he'd taken one punch too many, and reached out.
"Permission granted," Helva said, trying not to sound as sour as she unaccountably felt.
Standing there, I felt unaccountably an outsider, as if I had no right to be there.
The grass was still wet from the dew, and Worf unaccountably felt a certain spring in his step.
Now the truth is, I felt rather unaccountably towards the beautiful stranger.
But he felt unaccountably out of place, guilty and inadequate.
The receptionist seemed friendly enough, but Tara felt unaccountably on edge.
I climbed the stairs to my flat slowly, unaccountably feeling like an old man.
She didn't know whether to laugh with him or cry; she felt unaccountably like doing both.