For example, an individual may feel soreness at the injection site or experience a fever.
Sampras said he felt soreness in his right tendon while serving at 5-6 of the first set.
He fought for breath, feeling soreness across the tops of his thighs from the pressure and the movement against the seat.
It was too dark to see, but she could feel soreness spreading through her arms and back.
While many women feel soreness at the scalp and occasionally have a headache after the application, the discomfort is temporary.
The donor may feel some stiffness or soreness for a few weeks, but the marrow will regenerate completely.
Perkins began to feel soreness in his elbow in 2004.
Dotel was felt soreness after pitching an inning of an extended spring training game this week.
Tentatively she stretched, and felt much soreness but little harsh pain.
I feel extreme soreness," she said, "especially in the quadriceps.