Her house looked dim and comfortable, like a stage set for a romance, only I didn't feel romantic.
I smiled to myself and changed the subject, since talking about God wasn't the sort of thing that made a person feel romantic.
But both wondered if they would feel romantic toward each other without Paris.
But that was all because, she said, "It's hard to feel romantic in your mother's house."
Even without the re-minder about Thrayn he would not have been feeling very romantic.
She might not feel romantic towards him but he was a proven friend.
They lifted his spirits and made him feel romantic.
In both cases the effect feels more romantic than the artist's sculpture but no less pure, rich and precise.
There'd been a girl about whom he'd felt romantic, not so long ago.
If we're feeling particularly romantic, it's an easy place to indulge in musings that just couldn't happen on the ground.