Shasa had expected to be profoundly moved by his father's grave, but instead he felt remote and untouched.
Now it had happened, he felt curiously remote.
Homes just outside of town are popular because they feel remote and private, yet are 10 to 15 minutes from downtown attractions.
The movie is a window into an era that feels curiously remote.
It still feels very surprisingly remote and is still beautiful.
He felt strangely remote from it all, intent only on doing the job in hand, however frightful the horrors.
Accessible by car, it still manages to feel restful and remote.
Chekov looked down at Stalingrad laid out below them, and felt more remote from it than ever before.
Feeling coldly remote, she leaned over to stare down at him.
For awhile she felt cool and remote, as if she were watching herself from a hilltop.