Gradually, the old feelings for her teachers began to resurface and for the first time since Kraydak had destroyed the palace, Crystal felt protected and safe.
If the potential victims of an attack feel more protected and safer as a result of the measures, then they may carry on activities they would have otherwise avoided.
The wealthy citizens feel protected and safe, but some, like John, have a conscience and are trying to help.
I felt so protected and secure and loved around Rupert.
Suddenly Mica felt warm and protected, his strength seeping into her and giving her courage.
Part of her wanted to run screaming from the Castle, right now, and flee back to the safety of the Academy, where she'd always felt safe and protected and secure.
"I want my house to smell the way yours does on holidays where everything's delicious and everyone feels warm and protected and lucky to be there."
Players feel protected and assured.
She felt protected and comfortable.
I fully endorse the suggestions in this report to establish a child-friendly society, in which children can feel protected and actively involved.