I not only felt like a slab of cold oatmeal, I felt really pathetic.
It must feel quite pathetic for the defending driver to just sit there and get breezed past by a car with its rear wing open.
Come on guys, I have been less than impressed with some of your previous guidebooks but for a first time traveller this really feels pathetic.
He was feeling a little old and pathetic.
She felt beaten and pathetic, with no fight left in her.
"I felt pathetic, writing a message of hope and inspiration and finding myself sitting in jail."
She hadn't felt pathetic, at least not until now.
Barney was not sure whether to feel important or pathetic, but he went obediently to bed.
The fleet of concerned guys in dark blue and badges made him feel pathetic.
At least rub it in a little, so I don't feel so pathetic.