He was feeling increasingly jumpy and trying hard not to let his placid companion see it.
Sometimes it is characterized by feeling nervous or jumpy.
I felt ridiculously nervous and jumpy, and when I saw my own reflection in the kitchen window, I almost had a heart seizure.
Cox was feeling somewhat jumpy: the fox was a bloodier mess than he had expected.
He felt almost uncontrollably jumpy and couldn't understand why.
That evening Gwenda felt jumpy and nervous.
"So why do you think Raven was feeling so jumpy?"
Motherf**ker mainly concerns itself with a lot of big, mordant laughs ... yet overall, the play feels jumpy and scant.
He was feeling paranoid and jumpy in spite of the late hour.
And it is true that, between unrelenting natural disasters and the war on terror, we are feeling pretty jumpy.