There were times when he felt immortal and times when immortality only meant staying alive for just long enough to get the next shot off.
Having passed through death, he feels not immortal but forever freed from the fear of death.
She had run fast through life, like her run down the mountain trails, free and high-spirited, skipping without care, feeling immortal.
Most men can admit to feeling indestructible and immortal at some point in their teens.
Well, balanced against the chance to be a hero, set a record, an athlete, who already feels immortal, may think it's an acceptable risk.
For one thing, our natural way, before nanotech, was to be somewhat naive as young adults; by then we felt immortal anyway.
We're always saying that teenagers feel immortal, but any immortality your friend felt she had will have been stripped away by what's happened.
But cowboys can feel immortal, particularly on summer nights in Cody, where there is a rodeo every night through the end of August.
"He'd have to get rid of me first," said Paul, young enough to feel immortal.
"On the contrary - I feel immortal," he declared.