One answer: Its characters and plot are detailed enough to feel immediate, but broad enough to accommodate shifting audiences.
He was dismayed to think that Shetra's fall had taken place ten days ago; it felt too immediate for such a lapse of time.
I don't know what a hit is any more, but these songs feel very classic and immediate.
A real hostage situation could not have felt more immediate.
The gravel of the driveway felt hard and immediate under his feet.
Even though most third-person accounts are told in past tense, they feel quite immediate.
The loss of the views, something seemingly so superficial, is what feels immediate.
Yet it feels more immediate and vital than any new drama in many seasons.
Her determination was gone, and the very ground beneath her no longer felt necessary or immediate.
Who knew that portraits made in the early 16th century could feel quite so immediate and of the moment?