Not telling Robbie about my grandfather felt hypocritical.
Current parents are likely to have used drugs in the 1960's and 1970's and thus feel hypocritical about warning their children of harmful effects, they say.
Ken and Sylvia give their guarded approval, feeling hypocritical to deny them their love.
He felt slightly hypocritical, finishing up the letter to May.
Leo smiled, feeling hypocritical, but at least loyal.
It feels very hypocritical for them to paint themselves as the victim here.
Only 9 percent felt hypocritical about giving such warnings.
These daughters of the 60's felt hypocritical playing a fund-raising game they despised when they had so little influence on left-wing issues.
In truth, she feels hypocritical anyhow, advising patience at a time when she has lost much of hers.
Miles, feeling quite maniacally hypocritical, gave the engineer a firm commander's nod copied from observations of his father at Staff conferences and the dinner table.