For the first time in her life, she felt helpless and beaten.
Feeling hollow and beaten, she left the office.
He felt beaten and exhausted, as though he had just been through some terrible battle.
They had felt beaten, but now they saw a chance to make an effective retaliation, at last.
But Torrance believes he felt beaten and demoralised at that point: "a sense he had reached the end of his shelf life".
Msimangu tries to soothe him, but Kumalo feels beaten and old.
She felt beaten and pathetic, with no fight left in her.
They trudged towards the picnic, feeling old and beaten and found out.
But with reality thrust upon me so, I began to crumble, to feel elderly and beaten, and the spots just kept coming.
Love isn't everything,' he mumbled lamely, feeling uncertain and beaten. '