For the next twelve hours, Naomi continued to rapidly intensify, with feeder bands flowing into a tightening spiral structure in the center of the storm.
Deep convection developed around the center of circulation and well-defined convective feeder band to the north.
During the following six hours, Urmil underwent explosive deepening as the main feeder band wrapped around the center of circulation.
Early on during July 27 outer feeder bands of the storm started to strike the eastern part of the country.
In 2005 a feeder band from Hurricane Katrina produced a tornado that killed 1 person just south of Carrollton.
A band was kept in the lower grade to act as a feeder band to the Juvenile.
Furthermore, feeder bands of convective showers continued extending westward to about 310 miles (500 km).
Upon becoming tropical, Fran developed a strong outflow and several convective feeder bands.
At this time, Ginger featured a small, well-defined eye surrounded by a smooth central dense overcast and large convective feeder bands.
Convection on the west side of the storm diminished and its feeder bands began to collapse.