The mad cow crisis led to the wholesale reinvention of the British meat inspection system and to a radically revised idea about acceptable feed sources.
Produced 'high purity plutonium nitrate solution' from a 'variety of feed sources, including scrap'.
These left over kernels, along with the corn stover, serve as an additional feed source for grazing cattle.
Livestock production systems can be defined based on feed source, as grassland - based, mixed, and landless.
The permanent water in the wetland, its adjacent habitats and a reliable feed source, have attracted many species of waterbirds to this site.
For example, a farmer will value the option to switch between various feed sources, preferring to use the cheapest acceptable alternative.
Soluble carbohydrates are found in nearly every feed source; corn has the highest amount, then barley and oats.
NutriDense is a higher nutritional maize plant used as a feed source for pigs, chickens and cows.
It is the important feed source of fishes.
The cactus is grown both as a feed source and a boundary fence.