It feeds principally on fruit and is generally found on the larger forest-trees.
Pelicans frequent inland and coastal waters where they feed principally on fish, catching them at or near the water surface.
They feed principally on that class of zoophytes which produce the coral.
This species feeds principally on seeds, like other sparrows.
They feed principally on insects and other invertebrates, but will also take seeds, fruits and small vertebrates.
Bustards are omnivorous, feeding principally on seeds and invertebrates.
It feeds principally on sandeels, also taking herring, capelin and shiner perch.
This species feeds principally on seeds and grain, like other sparrows, but will readily take insects including termites, especially when feeding young.
It feeds principally on grass seeds taken from seedheads.
Cinereous Bunting feeds principally on seeds, like other buntings.