In both cases the feed material is placed inside a nuclear reactor and removed for processing after a period of time.
The feed material forms the major electrical and flow resistance of the smelting furnace circuit.
These may be sized (e.g., crushed or shredded) and then introduced back into the feed material.
The more evenly the feed material is distributed over the mold surface, the less flow orientation occurs during the compression stage.
Given a feed material in an initial state, the material can be defined to a have a particle size distribution.
The feed material always sits at the bottom of the drum and as it rotates, always comes into contact with clean screen.
However, as regards the demand for a positive list of feed materials, I have already on several occasions outlined the Commission's reservations.
In this context, the Commission will also consider certain feed materials with a moisture content in excess of 50%.
The proposal contains the list of feed materials which are forbidden.
Conditioning includes screening and cleaning of the feed material.