The amino acid profile of fishmeal is what makes this feed ingredient so attractive as a protein supplement.
Also banned is the use of composted "poultry litter" as a feed ingredient for cows.
The equipment must have the capability to thoroughly blend the feed ingredients.
The cake left after extraction of the oil is a valuable feed ingredient for pigs.
In my view, Amendment 50 is better than Amendment 57 when it comes to the adventitious and technically unavoidable contamination of feed ingredients.
I also voted in favour of amendments 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, which deal with the issue of GM in feed ingredients.
They now represent 22% of the EU's consumption of protein-rich feed ingredients compared to 12% five years ago.
The heavy steep water is also sold as a feed ingredient and is used as an environmentally friendly alternative to salt in the winter months.
Mr. Ubaldo never uses medications, vaccinations or artificial feed ingredients for his birds.
This was the only feed ingredient I tasted, and it wasn't half bad; not as crisp as Kellogg's, but with a cornier flavor.