On the second floor, she headed for a back table, where a Chinese man sat calmly feeding bits of shrimp to a blond toddler.
That's important so we can feed bits of information to the kidnappers - even if we have to invent some.
Her husband had cared for the squirrels in the yard, feeding them bits of bread.
Children can feed bits of lettuce, say, to the earthworms in the dirt, and play with the worms, if they want to.
She has to keep feeding it grim bits, like mean gossip and bad news about other people.
It just seems that I keep feeding them bits of my memory, you know, things I've had sweated out of me, and nothing happens.
Cattle appear to get mad cow because they were fed recycled bits of dead sheep and other animals.
In the morning they are fed bits of old fish and watery gruel.
Ravenous as he was, he still fed bits of his meat to the wolf beside his chair.
About an hour later he saw that she was back with the old man, feeding him bits of cheese, her green-ice eyes burning into him.