Now the jonquille o'ercomes the feeble brain; We faint beneath the aromatic pain.
Even with my feeble brain.
And my brain, feeble and unboosted though it was, came up with the right answer.
I'm taking no more chances with that feeble brain of yours.
My feeble human brain finds is impossible to comprehend such a dire turn of events.
Two very evident possibilities should already be apparent, even to your feeble brain.
Even Deedra's feeble brain had finally registered my anger.
It is way beyond that now - just glad people like you are pushing the boundaries even if it is now beyond my feeble brain.
To confound them, and those clinging to outmoded attitudes, I have created a Harrods that is better than their feeble brains could imagine.
"You're obviously miles ahead of my feeble brain."