For their efforts, they are given a handling fee of 2 cents per bottle, paid by the distributor.
In his case, 2.66 percent of the purchase price plus a fee of 42 cents.
There is also a flat fee of 99 cents per order, for a total cost of $5.43.
From the spring of 1935 there were over 160 unemployed people to work for a fee of 35 cents per hour.
Tradition called for a fee of 11 cents to be paid to the clerk who administered the oath.
There is a fee of 10 cents per page to print from a public access terminal at the courthouse.
"Cecocafen would be paid a separate fee of around 26 cents per pound."
The company, which receives no payment from the city, charges customers a fee of 70 cents for each tax bill.
In addition, a fee of 25 cents is charged for each card use.
For a fee of ten cents, people could view realistic photographs with nature, history, and science themes.