Service charges and other fees levied on depositors and other customers grew 20 percent in the last year to $110 million in the third quarter.
But this year's income included a special item of $22.8 million given to the airline by the federal government to compensate for security taxes and other fees levied after the 9/11 attacks.
I have paid for my court and my campaigns by means they showed me, by taxation, and rents, and fees levied on settlers in my townships.
Examiners were to be compensated by salary and expenses rather than fees levied on the banks they examined.
With regard to LLP forms (Limited Liability Partnerships) the fee levied for this type of registration is £13.
Other sources of income include fees levied from charges for processing of applications.
The Council is funded by revenue collected by it as fees levied on the registered newspapers in the country on the basis of their circulation.
Not all lenders charge, but among the ones which do the fees levied are completely arbitrary.
The LSA Clubs are largely self-funding through the membership and other fees levied on members, a tribute to the commitment of those members.
Most of the quotes didn't include any of the four separate taxes and fees levied on car renters in the state of Texas.