These fees generate billions of dollars in revenue for the companies.
The higher fees would generate about $1.5 billion in extra federal revenue.
The fees would generate an estimated $52 million in 1988.
It estimates the fees would generate $1 billion in revenue.
There would be all kinds of exceptions, but the $8 fee could generate more than $500 million a year, the mayor figures.
Those fees, the indictment says, generated $40 million in gross income from 1988 through 1994.
City officials have estimated the new fee could generate an additional $18 million during the fiscal year ending next June 30.
Company officials believe that the reduced fees will attract more business and generate higher profits.
Still, those fees generated $5.1 million in the six months ended last February, the most recent figures available.
The fees generated $2.26 billion in the year ending March 31.