Transmission companies will recoup the cost of constructing the new power lines, expected to be completed in 2013, from fees estimated at $4 per month for residential customers.
In 1990 alone, of $227 million set aside to pay asbestos victims, only about $66 million was actually available; expenses included legal fees estimated at $110 million.
Time also asked for a $5 billion backup line of credit and offered to pay them a fee, estimated at less than $1 million.
The company will even reimburse legal fees, estimated at $500,000.
The foundations could then have directed the proceeds from book sales to charities of the couple's choice, charging fees estimated at $2,000 to $15,000.
Strong is waiving all fees and expenses, estimated at 0.93 percent, to promote the fund.
He is now obligated to pay Ms. Lipstadt's and Penguin's legal fees, estimated at about $3 million.
That is the amount of fees estimated in the November issue of the American Lawyer.
On 3 August 2007 Queudrue signed a three-year contract with Birmingham City for a fee estimated at £2.5 million.
Still others may agree to a flat fee for a few quick sketches, estimated at the hourly rate.