But politics is primarily local, especially in Germany's decentralized federalist system.
In the American federalist system, citizens are usually subject to three levels of government: federal, state, and local.
Among those pushing for that is Germany, which would probably increase its power under a more democratic federalist system.
It is a function of long term institutional relationships, both within the federal government and within our federalist system.
That, I think, is what the Framers were thinking about in the context of a federalist system.
After debating the proposals, the Liberal majority prevailed, and the federalist system was adopted.
He soon had several fights with Congress, which was trying to install a federalist system, and resigned within two months.
This system was no sooner in place when it came under attack from the proponents of a federalist system.
In this respect, we are back in a federalist system where everyone does what they want.
The Governing Council has said it wants a federalist system, too, but the two sides have yet to agree on what that would look like.