In 2001, the school received A$3.76m in federal taxpayer's grants.
For example, after adjusting for inflation, the petroleum reserve has cost federal taxpayers as much as $51 billion since it was created in 1975.
"I find nothing in any Indian treaty," the story quotes Gorton as saying, "that says they must be continuously supported by the federal taxpayers."
Those communities and landowners, rather than federal taxpayers, should have to pay for more of their own fire protection, the report concluded.
"Actually," he said, "it's been a savings for the federal taxpayers now that you're here" and no longer a lobbyist.
State, federal and local taxpayers are expected to share the cost.
The Foundation and its members asserted standing based solely on their status as federal taxpayers.
The school also has a federal taxpayer funded preschool program called Ready 4 classroom for local, identified for assistance 4 year olds.
"And that means we can't look to secure all these facilities out of the federal taxpayer's pocket."
And just 22 have received access to the cash, which was provided by federal taxpayers and is being distributed by the state.