Madoff is facing federal securities fraud charges.
He also offered the Mexican federal security forces a truce in exchange of freedom to continue their illegal drug trade.
Debt held by the public is the value of all federal securities sold to the public, i.e., investors outside of the federal government.
If New Jersey violated federal securities, tax or other rules, it could be forced to make up some of the contributions.
A Southern California dentist had brought federal and state securities fraud claims against the brokerage.
Operating a bucket shop in the United States would also likely involve violations of several provisions of federal securities or commodity futures laws.
The company said that the inquiry will determine whether any person or entity related to Beazer Homes has violated federal securities laws.
"There are valid policy and textual arguments on both sides regarding the interrelation of federal securities and arbitration Acts," he wrote.
Its effect was to bar all federal securities fraud suits in the US for securities traded on a foreign stock exchange.
The Funding Act authorized the federal government to receive certificates of state war-incurred debts and to issue federal securities in exchange.