The federal permits cover the area from three to 200 miles off the coast.
Now, it is necessary to obtain a federal permit to kill the birds.
Access is permitted only to researchers, who must apply for a federal permit.
Between 1995 and 2000, the number of federal permits for controlling geese soared from 166 to 2,095.
The Hopis have a federal permit to gather up to 40 young eagles a year and usually take 15 or so.
In the past, the institute has refused to supply marijuana to researchers who had obtained all other necessary federal permits.
Several federal permits by the Mexican government were needed before the remote controlled flight and crash could be performed.
Another would give the military wider latitude to kill migratory birds without a federal permit.
Juniper trees are often harvested for firewood, by federal permit.
She added, however, that some in the corps did not expect to find themselves in the position of issuing federal permits for the project.