The federal attorneys were certain that they had put together a solid murder case for Baird.
By May, federal attorneys officially lifted the gag order, allowing the librarians to go public with details on the case.
But I'm going to downplay that aspect with the federal attorney.
He referred the questions to the federal attorney's office, but a spokesman for that office did not return calls.
Some federal attorneys showed up and they're slugging it out.
He served as a federal attorney for Western Washington.
But this was not the admission of the government, federal attorneys said.
According to the federal attorney's office, Garotinho had "offered political backing for Lins' group to stay at the head of civil police."
Tomorrow we will ask tax officials to go through the church's income tax returns," a spokesman for Brazil's federal attorney said today.
A second television show about the federal attorneys, a drama called "Homeland," is also in development.