The problem with Ampitrex is compounded by the fact that it has not been approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration.
The rapid testing method is relatively new; the federal Food and Drug Administration approved its use in November 2002.
Yesterday, the federal Food and Drug Administration announced that food labels would have to list levels of trans fatty acids by 2006.
A recent ruling by the federal Food and Drug Administration requires all food companies to include trans fat levels in labeling information.
The drug, however, is most effective for children, who the federal Food and Drug Administration says should take smaller amounts.
Until recently the federal Food and Drug Administration detained any caviar containing borax.
Some trials are nearly ready for submission to the federal Food and Drug Administration; others are small and preliminary.
That is below the federal Food and Drug Administration's official level of concern for fish, 2 parts per million, he said.
Now, the federal Food and Drug Administration is considering banning it.
The existing market violates new federal Food and Drug Administration regulations that prohibit selling seafood on the street.