The federal Fish and Wildlife Service signed off on the mine, saying it would not harm the bears.
In 1962, the federal Fish and Wildlife Service declared that "pollution has eliminated fish life in the area."
Today, the federal Fish and Wildlife Service is orchestrating the wolf's revival.
The federal Fish and Wildlife Service monitors traffic in endangered species.
They have done so well that the federal Fish and Wildlife Service wants to take them off the list of endangered species.
On May 1, the military ceded about 15,000 acres of its land to the federal Fish and Wildlife Service.
Now there are more than 3,000, according to the federal Fish and Wildlife Service.
Pulling the last red wolves from the wild in 1980, the federal Fish and Wildlife Service began a rescue program, using 14 animals.
After the federal Fish and Wildlife Service took over much of the Island in 1973 to form the current Refuge, these efforts continued.
Within weeks, the federal Fish and Wildlife Service withdrew the plan.