It's fair to add that America also needs fewer feckless parents.
On feckless parents and grandparents?
Occasionally the feckless parents would remember she was theirs and intrude on her childhood disastrously.
April, the daughter of feckless divorced parents, fobbed off on various aunts, dabbles half-heartedly in acting until marriage frees her from having to make a living.
This sad state of affairs may be attributed to feckless parents or to a society which projects its standards and values in such an ambivalent way.
Too many children seem to have told by their trendy "teachers" and their feckless "parents" that respect is only taken not given and this naturally leads to pushing the boundaries toward crime.
He struck his huge stomach a blow, as though that part of him had somehow collaborated with the feckless dead parent.
He would return again to the lovely island where his charming, feckless parents had borne him and where he had spent his youth.
Paul and Elsie Fox, the author's cruelly feckless parents, relinquished her to "a fire brigade that passed me along from person to person until I was safe."