On another occasion, one of the patrol commanders had aborted his mission when he saw the flat, featureless terrain.
Since the ant's travels across featureless terrain may take it up to a third of a mile, the insect might seem at high risk of getting lost.
Directly beneath them they made out something that looked like an immense, flat blister upon the otherwise featureless terrain.
Maybe," Tatum said, looking around; no cover was afforded by the flat, featureless terrain.
The featureless terrain was broken by the billowing dust of tanks and armored personnel carriers strewn solidly across the horizon.
He described to Helward the flat, featureless terrain, the tremendous pressure, the way in which physical distortions took place.
Among the featureless terrain Point 171 was a hump with the usual desert scrub covering it.
"Iraq has particularly featureless terrain, so man-made structures of sufficient size to stimulate the radar and digital scene were used, particularly large buildings and bridges."
Bear pointed through the windshield at the featureless terrain.
This is especially true if flying in the dark or over featureless terrain.