In Raiden DX, the st. 9 boss first appears as a featureless sphere of grey metal, then transforms into the boss tank.
Not a container for an ovum in stasis, not a container for anything-just a small, featureless, translucent sphere.
There was only the single golden vessel, hanging silently above a cold, featureless sphere.
This was critical to the experiment since it is one of the few ways to accurately determine the spin axis of an otherwise featureless sphere.
Above them drifted a featureless sphere.
Closer and closer to the featureless sphere we walked until we stood next to it, with the bulge of blackness blocking out the sky above.
In its active state, a Dolan became a reddish or black and outwardly almost featureless sphere of about 100 meters diameter.
Other objects were just incomprehensible, featureless spheres and cubes and less recognizable geometric shapes scattered across the earthen floor.
The glaring light and ear-punishing crackling had faded simultaneously, and when she had opened her eyes, she had found herself still in the same featureless sphere.
We found ourselves in a featureless beige sphere five meters across.