When he reached forward he made a silhouette against the white, featureless sky behind him.
The sky, still featureless with overcast, refused to yield any hint of the future.
It rose high above the night-dark sea, proudly challenging the featureless, glowing sky.
Then his huge gaze tracked around the searing, featureless sky, as if seeking something.
She stood on a plain of unbroken gray beneath an equally featureless sky.
There was a black dot expanding rapidly out of the featureless sky, losing height fast.
He turned and looked up, squinting at a featureless sky.
He turned his back on the collapsing, featureless sky without regret, and pulled them both into the portal.
In the far distance, she could see what appeared to be a mountain-scape thrusting violently up toward the white, featureless sky.
Beneath a white and featureless sky, the city was all the colors of gray.