So he leveled the crosshairs, targeting the featureless shape in the middle, and squeezed the trigger.
The Shroud has control over the darkness so as to create hazy-edged, featureless black shapes with it, the complexity of which is limited only by his imagination.
On the polished tabletop stood three small figures, the rough, featureless shapes of men, as if the sculptor had been hasty with his clay.
He could only stare stupidly as the harsh white light spread; it remained strangely contained at first, then abruptly took on a roughly human, but featureless, shape.
Only a strip, a length of planking, on which upright featureless shapes like scarecrows had been propped.
When nothing happened, Renie began gathering the energy to ask another question, but the featureless shape had become as rigidly still as any of the trophy garden's other residents.
A smith stood near the back wall, a featureless shape in the gloom, invisible but for the scorched, firepuckered frame of his apron.
Now, though, it descended, its circular shape, featureless on the underside, showing a bank of windows on top and a rather sophisticated airfoil.
Just dark featureless shapes against the glaring sky, the bright and wholesome sky.
It has an almost featureless, ellipsoidal shape.