A single word would appear (usually one that had been featured earlier in the episode).
It began as a tribute to Frances Glessner Lee, a dollhouse-making criminologist who is featured earlier in the book.
Labman was earlier featured as a comic book character made up by Coby as a child and also made into a publicity pamphlet.
A product of the club's youth policy, he had earlier featured in wartime league matches for the club.
Two of the remand cases had featured earlier in the year at the search stage.
Interestingly, a nearly identical version of the "burning angel" image was featured on a Scorpions single three years earlier.
The Democratic campaign's featured bete noire only 24 hours earlier, he was presenting himself in victory as a smiling virtual pussycat of a bipartisan politician.
The song had earlier featured in Phoenix Nights, and Kay performed in the accompanying music video.
These circuits were featured earlier in various popular electronics magazines around the world.
It was also featured in the television series Alias some years earlier.