Ms. Lee had made short films as a New York University undergraduate in the late 1980's but had never directed a feature-length work.
The company produces character-driven, feature-length work, as well as music videos, commercials, museum installations, and new media.
This commits Aardman to doing all its feature-length work with Dreamworks, though the company will continue to produce its own roster of shorter subjects and television commercials.
New Old was a feature-length work released in 1978 starring Viva.
It was his first feature-length work, and one of the earliest, most influential of the French New Wave.
A more ambitious feature-length work, Ouvert pour cause d'inventaire, has also vanished without trace.
Cabrera's first feature-length work of fiction, L'autre côté de la mer, addresses questions of assimilation in contemporary French society.
Between the completion of Demain et encore demain and 2010, all of her feature-length work was fictional.
Mr. Ingraham shot his first film, "Moonshine," a feature-length work, entirely on location there.
In 2009 the Neue Oper Wien created a composition competition for a feature-length music-dramatic work.